Return to 2022 and Covid update

As of Monday 17th January 2022, Star FM Stadium will be again back open to the public and we cant wait to welcome you all back.

Townsville Basketball has had a number of enquiries regarding fixtures and Covid protocols of late with the new variant of Covid affecting our community. We will follow the guidelines laid out to us by Basketball Queensland and Queensland Health. Our junior and senior competitions will recommence as planned unless we are notified of any further restrictions.

With regards to Covid protocols, the information below is straight from the BQ website and Queensland Health.

Vaccination Status

The Queensland Government has now outlined their Sport, Recreation and Fitness Activities Matrix, in their recent update to sporting organisations, that provides an overview of restrictions linked with vaccination status.

The key points outlined in the Sport and Rec update include:

- Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can participate in sporting activities.

- Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people will be permitted entry to indoor sport centres, indoor social sporting and recreation-based activities and community clubs, however occupant density limits of one person per two square metres will apply.

- Unvaccinated persons will not be permitted to clubhouse or function rooms with food and beverage services, cafes, pubs clubs and bars (licensed areas).

-Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people are able to visit a canteen for takeaway

Check In Queensland App - All Queensland

Anyone visiting a basketball stadium for any reason will need to check in using the Check In Qld app.


From 1am AEST Sunday 2 January masks must be worn indoors everywhere in Queensland, except in your own home or accommodation, and where it is unsafe, such as while doing strenuous exercise.

This includes:

-all indoor workplaces

- public transport and rideshare

- supermarkets and retail shops

- hospitality venues including pubs, clubs and cafes

- cinemas and theatres

- indoor stadium, sports arena or sports centre

- gyms and sport activities

- vulnerable settings like hospitals and aged care

- schools, childcare and other education facilities

- airports and on planes

See exceptions from wearing face masks.

Should any of our members have any questions about these conditions please feel free to contact the office on 4778 3400 or email